Monday, October 10, 2016

State puts stop to Irwin County tax increase

The Georgia Department of Revenue is very serious about the requirements for advertising adoption of local tax rates annually.  Although Irwin County advertised a tax increase, and the Irwin County board of commissioners approved the increase, it was determined that the advertisement was flawed.  Now, rather than moving forward with its planned increase, Irwin will maintain its millage rate from last year.  From WALB:
IRWIN CO., GA (WALB) - Irwin County commissioners approved a property tax increase several weeks ago, but it will not go into effect. Officials said an error in the way they told the public about the change caused their tax digest to be rejected by the state. 
The saying goes that taxes are one of the only certain things in life..
And, an Irwin County millage rate increase of 1.25 seemed locked in when commissioners approved it several weeks ago.  But on Monday, the county got word that the increase in its tax digest would not go into effect.
"We sent in our digest and due to our advertisement of the intention of going up on taxes was worded wrong. So, the Department of Revenue did reject our digest," said Commission Chairman Joey Whitley. Whitley said the county did put out ads and held several public hearings on the proposed increase, but ultimately didn't meet the full requirements needed to tell the public about the change. "In the new format the Department of Revenue has, you have to explain what it would cost for say a $100,000 house, what the actually tax increase was and that was not in our ads," said Whitley. And in response to the rejection of its digest, Whitley said the county commission agreed to keep the millage rate where it currently stands at 12.375.
The group could meet a September first deadline to submit its tax policies for the year. But, Whitley said the rejection of the property tax increase also means the county government may need to make cuts to offset the lack of revenue...

1 comment:

  1. Sure they held several public hearings...during business hours when most hourly workers cannot be present to ask questions about the decision making process or to show support in favor or dissention against. It wrong and unjust to allow such meetings to happen outside the public square. I don't care if you put out the memo...if you hold meetings when the majority of the local population is at work you are absolutely trying to prevent the public from attending.
